Dienstag, 28. August 2012

ADAC Deutschland Rallye

Nach DTM und Rallye Cross war es endlich an der Zeit auch einmal eine klassische Rallye zu besuchen. Gerne bin ich daher der Einladung meines Arbeitskollegen Jens zur ADAC Deutschland Rallye gefolgt.
Neben weltklasse Rennsport bietet dieser Lauf im Moseltal und dem Hunsrück eine tolle Kulisse in Trier sowie landschaftlich traumhaft schöne Prüfungen in den Weinhängen entlang der Mosel.

Hier ein paar Eindrücke unseres 4-tägigen Ausflugs. Mehr Bilder gibt es wie gewohnt bei SmugMug (direkter Link zur Galerie)

Mit Highspeed durch die Weinberge.

Samstag, 18. August 2012

Late Hour Wedding Guerrilla Photography

Hi zusammen,
am 7.7.2012 durften Meli und ich am großen Tag von Caro und Ralf teilhaben. Nach einer traumhaften Zeremonie in der katholischen Kapelle im Schloss in Ludwigsburg ging's dann zur großen Party ins Nestor Hotel.

Die Nachbarschaft rückt an.
Zu späterer Stunde war ich dann noch als Paparazzi unterwegs. Hier ein paar Bilder von dieser late hour guerillia wedding photography session:


Montag, 6. August 2012

On the go image backup for 10€ only

While traveling I am very cautious about image loss. I regularly switch memory cards to minimize the impact of defect cards. The only thing missing so far was a quick and easy mobile backup solution

Since a cloud based backup is no solution due to the huge amount of data and service availability I was thinking of getting one of these image tanks. But I just could not get myself on spending 300€ for a mobile hard drive with a SD Card slot.
my mobile backup solution: smart phone + USB hub + sd-2-usb adapter + external USB HDD

But finally I found the perfect solution:

  • small USB hub with power supply (8€) 
  • a USB OTG (on the go) cable (3€)
  • a SDHC - USB adapter (0€, came with one of my cards)
  • my old 2.5" 250 GB external USB hard drive (0€, already there)
  • my Samsung Galaxy S2 (0€, already there)
--> saved 290€ :-)

Now I can copy the content of my SD cards everywhere where I have access to 110V or 220V power supply!


Copying a full 8GB SD card (Panasonic SDHC, class 10) from my Nikon D90 to the external drive took 12 minutes.

Some remarks:

  • You need a smartphone with a USB host controler and USB OTG (on the go) support
  • I use the regular file browser that comes with Android 4.0.4
  • If you whant to use a external HDD you need an active USB hub with power supply
  • The hub I got does not offer power suply fot the USB host (our smartphone), maybe there are others that could also charge the phone while it copies the data.
  • Should also work with compact flash cards or memory sticks, just get the correct card-2-usb adapter
  • Some posters on the net suggest to connect the HDD and the Card first to the hub, before connecting it to the phone (I do not know why. I did not have any problems during my test. But will do anyways, because why not?)

Final note of caution

I also read some post that talked about broken HDDs and hung up phones. So try at your own risk. Don't sue me! :-)